Thursday, July 16, 2009

Slicker'n snot

Be careful out there the trails are slick after the rain yesterday. The dust combined with the rain for a nasty oil like finish. Trail running for me today, my taint's not up for the bustin.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Heel! Good dog.

What is it with all of the dogs unleashed on the trails these days? I love it when a retarded owner gives me attitude because they have to round the hyper spazzing, running wild pet to clear the trail. Maybe the buzz of Chris king hubs ( they sound like angry hornets) put both owner and animal into panic mode?

It's everyones trail but have some sense and respect for other people. If you take your animal illegally on trails instead of designated areas, leash it.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th and a long, wet 1

What is it with rain on the 4th of July? It seems like we havent had a sunny one in many years.

I did a trail run yesterday and Cherokee was still a little mushy in spots. Overall the drainage is good and I figure they should be about perfect today.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

BBC Ultra - Double Pale IPA

I tried the double pale IPA at the BBC last night and it's a hoppy monster. This stuff should be served in shot glasses.

It's damn near double the IBU of the APA and 9%. Hoppy and harsh to the point of tasting like a mouthful of grass soaked in kerosene.

Bring your balls if you dare try this one.

I liked it!

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars